Ocean Stars

Ocean Stars

Monday 28 October 2013



Today we woke up to have breakfast (there was hash-browns!) After saying goodbye to all the lovely staff, and the very helpful security, we then set off on our travels to Batticaloa. Straight away it became a party bus that no-one expected, the singing was at top standards; even from Miss Angel. It was only an hour or two till we could see the affects of the tsunami, Compared to the beautiful scenery in Kandy and other places we had stayed. After another hour or the party bus music and singing (especially some great notes hit from Ryan and Jacob) We stopped off at a absolutely beautiful beach with stunning scenery all around. Water clearer than anyone had ever seen before. After seeing the beautiful tropical island beach , we used the local hotels toilets, not what were used too as it was only holes in the ground. 

We were then presented with a typical Sri Lankan packed lunch (very spicy). Not even hard man Mr T could handle the spice. Finally we arrived in Batticaloa, and it was lovely too see some familiar faces of the Ocean Stars team staying in Hotel Bridge View with us. We were then refreshed with a soft drink of coke which Dilanee payed for. 

After settling into our rooms we began to realize how the star rating of the hotels have gone down but  our high hopes haven't. It was a turning point for us all seeing the very devastating parts of Sri Lanka , which were effected by the tsnami but at the same time we found it amazing at how the towns have recovered and how the peoples smiles have not been washed away.

We had time to get ready and put our ocean stars t shirts on and we were ready to meet the whole team.We were blown away by the mass of people coming together for this cause.We then had the chance to meet and spend time with the students from the secondary school. We had a great time conversing with them and learning things about them and Sameena meet a student with the same name as her mum! A group of us learned to play a Sri Lanka playground game (which involed alot of friendly slapping!)

We had tea and cake and sorted through our lesson resources. Then it was time to say goodbye and we are looking forward to spending more time with them tomorrow! We are now preparing for a evening meal and a early nights sleep!


  1. What an interesting and lovely read. So glad to hear about Mrs Angel's lovely singing voice on the bus!
    It sounds like you are all enjoying the trip so far. I am sure the Sri Lankan children will appreciate your company and learn a lot from your visit.
    Have a good night's rest after all your travelling. Best wishes to you all. Mrs Angel's Mum xx

  2. Hello all
    Another exciting day from the sound of it and it is great to hear about the singing. Next step has to be an Ocean Stars' choir as I am sure you would all be a hit on X Factor. Any One Direction songs by the way? Looking forward to seeing more photos and good luck with the lessons tomorrow. Best wishes

  3. By the way - you must tell me more about this other Shahana. I have never met anyone else with the same name as me!

  4. Wow sounds as though you're all having a brilliant time. I'm really enjoying the updates and photos. Karen and Nigel

  5. After the stormy weather here, I'm wishing I was on that warm sunny beach too! So now you will meet the children and begin to put your training and resources into action. Wow!...can't wait to learn how you get on. Have you tried out the bubble wand yet, Ria? Lotsa love and good luck! xx

  6. Great to hear all is going well in S.L. and that everyone is finding it all such a fantastic country! Sounds, as usual, that there are not enough hours in the day to do and see everything. Praying for continued safety and good health for you all. Ruth and Alun

  7. Hiya again Niamh. We're loving reading all the posts about the amazing things you are doing a seeing, sounds like you are all living the dream!!! Not much to report from back home except you missed the storm last night. Not too much damage around few trees down in the area and we lost two fences between us and next door but all is fine.
    I have got a couple of messages for you:
    Hey Niamh, its Emily. I hope you are enjoying your trip and don't forget to bring back a baby elephant!! Love you lots! Missing you :-( xx
    Hi Niamh, I'm so proud of you for eating curry and I hope you try loads more new things and have a real cheeky time. Love you lots and miss you big time. Alicia xxxxx p.s I agree with Emily, we NEED some elephants over here :-)
    Hope you like the messages darling. Keep having fun!!! Miss you loads gorgeous
    Love Mum, Dad, Max and Bobby xxxx
    ps Grandma and Grandad send their love to you too xxxx

  8. Hi Amy, all is still sounding great, am enjoying seeing the pictures. Hope you are making the most of each moment, as the time seems to be going as quick as the wind here! Chloe is wishing she was with the elephants, and nan is ringing everyday so she can get an update on the blog :-) missing you in a good way :-) lots of love mum, dad, Chloe and Lacey x x x

  9. Hi Ryan, Glad to hear your keeping your singing up ! I pitty those others on the coach as i've hear you at home singing. See you should be in the school production wait till Miss Lloyd hears you can sing. Hope your still having a great time, I look forward to hearing all about working with the children today. I'm sure those SL children gave you a good cricket match and put you to shame. Our house is still standing after the 'storm'. The dogs are fine, Fizz is still sitting on the windowsill guarding the close, they shared your Sunday roast between them. Hopefully your enjoying the spicy food, it sounds lovely. We cant wait to see all your photos. Missing you LOADS, the house is too quiet and empty. Lots of love and look forward to tonights update. Mum, Dad and Izzy xxx
